Nicole & Daniel movie partnership

    Box-office magic of James Bond actor Daniel Craig and Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman will be put into test, not once, but twice as they team up together on two upcoming movies.

    On August 17, Craig and Kidman will invade the screen in the suspense-sci-fi-thriller The Invasion. Just like any other Kidman's thriller movies such as The Others, The Hours and Birthday Girl, this one is for sure another quality movie worth watching for. Nicole Kidman after all tries to never disappoint her fans. I like the movie's tagline, "the only way to stay alive is to stay awake."

    On December 7th, Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig will team up once again in the fantasy thriller The Golden Compass. The movie also stars Eva Green, Craig's lady in Casino Royale, Kevin Bacon and Eric Bana.

    I am very much happy for Daniel Craig, who after the success of Casino Royale, is being given meaty and quality roles. At least, he would not just be labeled as James Bond forever with the different roles he portrays. For sure, you would love to see Daniel Craig doing a comedy and it's possible because he will star in the fantasy-comedy I, Lucifer to be shown next year. He plays the title role and stars alongside Ewan McGregor. The movie is about God giving Satan another chance, to change for good and redeem himself. You think it's possible?

    Speaking of James Bond, the next 007 movie is set for release on November next year. The movie is entitled Bond 22.

    Photo source: Movie Poster Awards

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