Who would have thought that two well-liked housemates are nominated this time? I'm talking about the new nominees Bea Saw and Saicy Aguila, who are at least loved by PBB Fans, more than the other remaining housemates. As one fan commented on ABS-CBN Forums, both have good hearts.
Bea Saw

Saicy Aguila

It's Bea's 3rd time to be nominated, while a second for Saicy.
This is the 3rd consecutive time that Bodie nominated Bea, and the fourth time over-all.
Gee-Ann holds the record for being the most consistent with her choice, by nominating Nel for the 5th consecutive time, as opposed to Mickey, who has inconsistent choices, which positively shows he's very objective rather than being subjective, and he is basing it on a particular week, thus he has new picks week after week.
The most hated housemate Wendy is staying longer huh! Did she change for the better?
Bruce Quebral still holds his record for being the only housemate of Pinoy Big Brother Season 2 who has not yet been put into the nominees' list.
Best buddies Bruce and Nel have the same choices, nominating both Gee-Ann and Saicy.
Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/06/pinoy-big-brother-season-2-8th.html
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Bea Saw

Saicy Aguila

Bea Bodie Bruce Gee-Ann Mickey Nel Robert Saicy Wendy Final Tally: Bea Saicy Mickey Robert Gee-Ann Bruce Nel Wendy Bodie | 2 points Robert Bea Gee-Ann Bruce Wendy Saicy Bea Bea Mickey points 6 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 | 1 point Bruce Robert Saicy Nel Saicy Gee-Ann Nel Mickey Bodie nominated nominated |
It's Bea's 3rd time to be nominated, while a second for Saicy.
This is the 3rd consecutive time that Bodie nominated Bea, and the fourth time over-all.
Gee-Ann holds the record for being the most consistent with her choice, by nominating Nel for the 5th consecutive time, as opposed to Mickey, who has inconsistent choices, which positively shows he's very objective rather than being subjective, and he is basing it on a particular week, thus he has new picks week after week.
The most hated housemate Wendy is staying longer huh! Did she change for the better?
Bruce Quebral still holds his record for being the only housemate of Pinoy Big Brother Season 2 who has not yet been put into the nominees' list.
Best buddies Bruce and Nel have the same choices, nominating both Gee-Ann and Saicy.
Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/06/pinoy-big-brother-season-2-8th.html
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