Pinoy Big Brother Season 2: 9th Eviction Night

    Pinoy Big Brother Season 2
    9th Eviction Night
    June 16, 2007

    EVICTED: Robert Woods

    SAFE: Bruce Quebral

    It was again a very predictable eviction. Despite fans' dismay over Bruce during the previous days, he still manage to survive the eviction, with 56.01% of votes over that of Robert's 43.99% and join the remaining housemates such as Mickey, Gee-Ann, Bea, Nel, Bodie and Wendy.

    Next week, beginning on Saturday, June 23rd, three housemates will be ousted from the house within a week time until the Big Night on June 30th.

    Last week, I was able to write my opinions regarding the 7 housemates' chance of making it to the Final Four.

    I'm writing them down here again.

    Balik-bahay housemate Wendy Valdez is stealing away other housemates' chances of making it to the Big 4. Is she more deserving now? Did she change for the better? How true that she's secured with a spot in the Big 4?

    Bodie Cruz, the celebrity son, is also fighting to stay until the end. For the record, he has only been nominated once out of 9 nomination nights. Great achievement, but how could he negate the allegation of some that he's only staying up there because of his showbiz connection? Has he already proven his worth? or is he still proving he's more deserving to stay?

    Nel Rapiz is the Uma Khouny of the batch. Nel's personality is so blurred and inconsistent. His actions contradict the way he speaks, and vice versa. His sexuality was questioned by Uma when the Israeli housemate had a chance to talk to them inside the house. It's kinda obvious that among the male housemates, he's the least masculine. I know it's not supposed to be an issue, but I don't find it fitting to see him trying hard to act out like a guy, when the whole of him doesn't support so. He thus becomes unnatural and avid followers come to conclude that it's kind of a "scripted" task, where he was commissioned to do so. Like Uma Khouny, is Nel going to be one of the Big Four?

    Mickey Perz is the most responsible and deserving male housemate. But the housemates don't like him because of his bossy attitude. His fan base is not that huge, and a lot of people don't see him winning the grand prize. Mickey is also the most talented and the smartest housemate, but are these enough for him to be in the finals? Fans like him more than Bodie when speaking about Gee-Ann. Setting other things constant, Mickey is deserving to be one of the Big Four.

    Gee-Ann Abrahan is the housemate with the largest fan base, having topped the four weeks she was nominated. No other housemate, so far, could beat her in the nominees' race. If the trend will continue, she will win the grand prize. But do you think, people behind PBB would want her to win? Think about the previous winners, like Nene Tamayo, Keanna Reeves, Kim Chiu and Yeng Constantino, they all have a common denominator, and that is... "a life drama that represents the Filipino masses." Not unless, PBB this time is open for changes, Gee-Ann may win, or they might just include her in the Big Four.

    Bea Saw has gained enormous support from the televiewers just recently. As Mickey's counterpart, she's the most responsible female housemate. Since she's almost like PBB Teen Edition's winner Kim Chiu, Bea's fate in the house is 50-50. Some housemates don't like her too, despite of being nice to them. Is she a threat to them? Is she a sure Big 4 housemate?

    Bruce Quebral was an early favorite to snatch this season's grand prize. Bruce was believed to end up winning, especially when he was chosen to take part in the Big Brother Swap with Big Brother Slovenia. As they say, he best represents the ideals of the Filipinos. His Pinoy looks speaks for himself and the condition of his family has helped him gain the sympathy of PBB followers. But his romance with Wendy, does not help him out. It affects his chance, because people think that he's more concerned now of making up or making out with Wendy, than winning the coveted prize and help his family, who needs him the most. He's also responsible and still deserving, but I hope he'd be focused on continously winning the hearts of the Filipinos and not winning Wendy's heart.

    This must be the Big Four: Mickey, Bea, Bruce and Gee-Ann.

    But, since management "favorites" do happen sometimes, the Big Four could possibly be Bruce, Wendy, Nel and one housemate could just end up as filler, and that is Gee-Ann.

    Just note that these are just my opinions as an ordinary person and as a follower of Pinoy Big Brother. How about you? What do you think would be the outcome of this season's competition?

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