William Ng, Manhunt Malaysia 2010 winner


    Manhunt Malaysia 2010 winners
    From L-R: Adrian Winson (2nd RU), William Ng (Grand Winner), Raam Singh (1st RU)

    While the Philippines was holding Mr. Gay World Philippines 2010 pageant last night, the Manhunt Malaysia International 2010 was also being staged the same night.

    Mr. Manhunt Malaysia 2010 was held at Hotel Equatorial in Kuala Lumpur, with 12 finalists competed for the title.

    Proclaimed winner was 22-year-old William Wijaya Nang, who stands 6 ft and is a full time model in Malaysia.

    William was a consistent favorite all throughout the contest due to his gorgeous Oriental features and to-die-for physique.

    But despite being a favorite, William wasn't expecting to win. "When they announced me as the winner, I thought I was dreaming. I am very excited and grateful for all the support," he exclusively told Mykiru.

    William now looks forward to representing Malaysia in the upcoming
    Manhunt International 2010 pageant to be held possibly in Taiwan this September.

    "I am going to show my best to represent and promote Malaysia more for its unique traditions, culture and people," he said.

    William is now preparing for Manhunt International and wants to improve more his communication skills, his attitude and his "already
    gorgeous" body.

    Turning 23 this August 10, it's indeed an early gift for William, who
    also considers his victory in the Manhunt Malaysia competition as his biggest achievement in life.

    Enjoy his pictures:

    William Ng shirtless

    Sexy William Ng

    The Runners Up:

    Raam Singh PhotoRam Singh Picture
    Thind Ramsher "Raam" Singh, 1st Runner Up

    Adrian Winson sexyAdrian Winson Shirtless
    Adrian Winson, 2nd Runner Up

    Photos courtesy of William Ng, Cp Mok / Manhunt Malaysia Int'l, Photo Tech Studio Lab
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/07/william-ng-manhunt-malaysia-2010-winner.html
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