"The Mummy" star Isabella Leong now a Mommy of twins

    Asian actress Isabella Leong has given birth to twin boys.

    Isabella Leong, a Chinese actress who appeared in the Hollywood 2008
    film "The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" starring Brendan Fraser
    and Jet Li, is now a Mommy of twins, whom she gave birth last month.

    Leong gave birth in June but it's only now that it has come to the attention of the media.

    According to Xinhuanet News, Leong gave birth in San Francisco,
    California and the twins are already her 2nd and 3rd sons to Hong Kong businessman Richard Li.

    Their first child, Ethan, was born in April 2009.

    This news about Isabella Leong giving birth to the twins is one breaking big news in Hong Kong now because Leong's boyfriend and
    father of her 3 sons is the son of Li Ka-Shing, who according to
    Forbes Magazine, is the 14th richest person in the world.

    We're talking about here of the twins who in the future will become
    billionaires too!
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/07/mummy-star-isabella-leong-now-mommy-of.html
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