Timothy Dalton's son Alexander being dragged into the case against Mel Gibson

    It seems like the Mel Gibson audio tapes exposed at RadarOnline aren't enough for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in their
    investigation against the Hollywood actor-director.

    'Coz now they want Mel Gibson's stepson Alexander Peter Dalton to testify in the domestic violence case they're investigating against

    Alexander is the 12-year-old son of Mel's ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva to James Bond actor Timothy Dalton. And reportedly, Alexander lived with Mel and Oksana and witnessed the two's rocky

    According to TMZ, the Sheriff wants to interview Alexander 'coz he knows critical information and he could be a witness in the child
    custody battle between Gibson and Grigorieva.

    And reportedly, Oksana is willing to have her son interviewed. But
    will Timothy Dalton allow it?

    Alexander might be of great help to his mother but it could be
    traumatic and emotional draining. It would be better not to drag him into the controversial issue.
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/07/timothy-dalton-son-alexander-being.html
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