Toby Hemingway rumored boyfriend of Taylor Swift

    "White Horse" singer Taylor Swift is rumored having a new boyfriend named Toby Hemingway.

    That's after Taylor and Toby were spotted shopping together in West
    Hollywood lately. A photo of the two together can be seen at Zack Taylor's site.

    Who's Toby Hemingway? Don't worry if the name sounds so new for you because he's still considered a struggling, not yet famous actor in

    But maybe after being rumored as Taylor Swift's new boyfriend, Toby
    will be so much famous now.

    Toby is British and 6 years older than Taylor Swift who's only 21 years old.

    Among his films include "The Covenant" with Chace Crawford, "Feast of
    Love" with Morgan Freeman and the soon-to-be-released "Black Swan"
    with Natalie Portman.

    I've seen a shirtless picture of Toby and he's tattooed, also cute and kinda hot.
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