Justin Bieber misses Jasmine Villegas

    Why is Justin Bieber missing Jasmine Villegas? That I don't know.

    But Jasmine is also missing Justin. Ahmmm do we smell romance here?

    The Canadian teen sensation and the Fil-Am-Mexican singer are caught
    on Twitter just today that they're missing each other.

    Justin's tweet said, "hey @jasminevillegas miss yah...How have you been?" To which Jasmine replied, "@justinbieber hey justin miss ya 2
    hope the tours going well".

    But those sound safe though. Friends do miss each other.

    Justin and Jasmine, both 16 years old, worked together in Justin's music video for "Baby" and "Eenie Meenie" where Jasmine was his leading lady. Is it
    possible for them to really call each other "baby"?

    Of course, if Bieber is no longer hooked with Caitlin Beadles and Jasmine is over with her non-showbiz boyfriend.

    Jasmine already visited the Philippines in 2008 and performed on the
    de funct show "SOP". Hope she could bring Justin here.
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/07/justin-bieber-misses-jasmine-villegas.html
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