'Desperate Housewives' apologizes for the racial slur against Filipinos

    The makers of American TV series Desperate Housewives have already apologized to the Filipinos, especially to the offended Filipino doctors and medical workers on October 03, Wednesday.

    ABS-CBN's news bureau in the US was the one who received the statement of apology and immediately aired it on ANC, the network's cable news channel.

    ABC's statement of apology goes this way:

    "The producers of `Desperate Housewives' and ABC Studios offer our sincere apologies for any offense caused by the brief reference in the season premiere. There was no intent to disparage the integrity of any aspect of the medical community in the Philippines."

    "As leaders in broadcast diversity, we are committed to presenting sensitive and respectful images of all communities featured in our programs."

    As for American-based Filipino Kevin Nadal, the one who initiated the online petition to protest the racial slur, the apology is not yet enough. He wanted Teri Hatcher's dialogue in the scene to be edited on its possible airings and DVD plays.

    Nadal even wanted a more substantial move by ABC, not just a mere apology, by way of donations or scholarships to the Filipinos or Filipino-American community.(I don't agree with this. It's not a way to demand an apology. It would just make us the "more desperate ones").

    The said particular episode of Desperate Housewives, with Teri Hatcher uttering the controversial line, was written by Marc Cherry and directed by Larry Shaw.

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    Teen Choice Awards 2007

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/10/housewives-apologizes-for-racial-slur.html
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