Justin Long, to star with 4 hot actresses

    Justin Long will star in the movie He's Just Not That Into You, a movie that will cast four hottest female celebrities in Hollywood.

    Scarlett Johannson, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly and Drew Barrymore will star together in one movie for the very first time. I wonder, who's going to be the lead actress in the movie.

    It's indeed a privilege for Justin Long to work with these four great actresses and it certifies that he's becoming to be the next important star in Hollywood, after his unforgettable performance in Live Free or Die Hard with superstar Bruce Willis as well as in his previous films like Galaxy Quest, Jeepers Creepers, Dodgeball, Herbie: Fully Loaded and The Break-Up.

    "He's Just Not That In You" is still in pre-production phase and set for release on 2009.


    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/08/justin-long-to-star-with-4-hot.html
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