Brad Womack is the new Bachelor

    The 11th Season of The Bachelor will have its most awaited premiere this September 24 on ABC with its new, sexy, hot ang goodlooking bachelor Brad Womack (fullname: Stephen Bradley Womack) from Texas, USA.

    Brad is 34 years old and owns Chuggin' Monkey, a bar in the 6th Street, Austin, Texas, as well as Dizzy Rooster, Uncle Flirty's (soon to be Thirsty Nickel) and The Marq. He actually co-owns Chuggin' Monkey with his twin brother Chad and brother Wes.

    He is being billed as the show's very own "McSteamy", in referrence to the networks' other popular show, Grey's Anatomy, which stars Eric Dane as Dr. McSteamy.

    Here's the last season's bachelor Andy Baldwin:

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