Vietnam awaits arrival of Miss Earth 2010 candidates

    Vietnamese people are now eagerly waiting for the arrival of the Miss
    Earth 2010 candidates.

    Over 90 candidates are expected to arrive in Vietnam for the 10th edition of Miss Earth pageant. And as of 3PM Thursday (November 4), four candidates have already arrived.

    Miss Mauritius Earth 2010 Anne Lise Ramooloo

    The very first to arrive was Miss Mauritius Anne-Lise Ramooloo (photo above), who landed on Vietnam last Wednesday afternoon. Arriving next were Miss Jamaica Kai Ayanna McDonald, Miss Mexico Claudia Lopez
    Mollinedo and Miss Guam Naiomie Jean Santos.

    All 4 of them were presented to the press already on Thursday along with Miss Earth 2009 Larissa Ramos. The presscon was held at the Diamond Place in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Check out their first pictures:

    Miss Guam Earth 2010 Naiomie Jean Santos
    Miss Guam

    Jamaica, Mauritius, Miss Earth '09, Mexico, Guam

    More and more candidates will arrive today until the 10th of November.

    The Miss Earth 2010 finals is happening on December 4th.

    Photos courtesy of Thanh Nien Online and Frank Santos
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