Michelle Madrigal is the latest castoff on Survivor Philippines Celebrity Showdown

    Michelle Madrigal is the 10th castoff of Survivor Philippines Celebrity Showdown after she got voted off the game tonight.

    She now becomes the 3rd Jury member, joining boyfriend Jon Hall and
    Aira Bermudez.

    Michelle's elimination was no longer shocking as she was supposed to
    get eliminated 2 weeks ago, if only she wasn't saved by her hero Jon Hall, who passed on to her the immunity bracelet.

    And as for the remaining 7 castaways, it's now very unpredictable as
    to who will be eliminated next.

    It's getting more exciting as the season finale on December 3 comes closer.

    I'm actually more excited to know if Moi Marcampo, who's still very
    much in the game, is indeed the rumored winner of the season.
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/11/michelle-madrigal-is-latest-castoff-on.html
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