Mister Int'l 2010 candidates take their shirts off

    The 40 candidates of Mister International 2010 pageant are lovin' the heat in Indonesia.

    Back (L-R): Misters Colombia, Austri, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Mr. Denmark, Mr. Australia, Mr. Madagascar, Mr. Bolivia, Mr. Panama
    Front (L-R): Misters Czech Republic, Belgium, Spain, Chile & Brazil

    In one of their busiest days in the pageant last week, they gamely took their clothes off for an outdoor photoshoot.

    They soaked under the sun and played basketball. You'll love the sight down here!

    Mister Malaysia Kubendren Sewalinggam

    Mister Czech Republic Jan Pochobradský

    Mister Brazil Caio Lucius Ribeiro

    Mister Bosnia & Herzegovina Adis Topalovic and Mr. Austria Juergen Aschauer

    Mr. Bolivia Marco Antonio Rogriguez

    Mr. Ukraine Petro Matsak

    Mister Belgium Tuur Roels

    Mister Denmark Marc Ciano Marra

    Mr. Spain Luis Alberto Maicas

    Mr. Namibia Barnabas Weyulu

    Mister Bolivia, Mr. Chile Gustavo Garcia and Mr. Colombia Juan Pablo Mejia

    These candidates were not photographed in their shirtless form, but they're definitely eye-catching in their sweaty form.

    Mr. Sri Lanka Singapullige Yasitha Dilshan Perera

    Mr. Philippines Raphael Carlos


    Mister Guatemala Mario Gilberto Marroquin, Mister Great Britain Ryan Terry and Mister Greece Leonides Sulai meanwhile weren't playing outdoors, but definitely they knew how to sizzle indoors.

    Super thanks to photobysondhiar signature for those great pictures!
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/11/mister-int-2010-candidates-take-their.html
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