Manhunt International 2010 contestants in their swimwear

    The contestants of Manhunt International 2010 posed by the poolside yesterday for their swimwear photoshoot.

    Check out some of them and see if this year's winner will come from them...

    Belgium, Bram Demeyere & Singapore, Jovin Koh

    Vietnam, Hoàng Gia Ngọc & Hong Kong, Zhang Zhaoyu

    Germany, Marco Beer & Denmark, Kristian Greiff

    Mongolia, Dulguun Gantumur & Japan, Yudai Kawano

    Thailand, Nathakorm Srivichai & Sweden, Calle Eriksson

    Sri Lanka, Leen Alexander & Malaysia, Tim Ang Sau Fong

    Macau, Xie PengJu & Turkey, Yahya Demir

    Brazil, Marlon de Gregori & Bolivia, Sergio Bascope

    Colombia, Juan Felipe Quiroz Vargas & China, Wang Zichao

    South Africa, Jacques Fagan & Puerto Rico, Joel Rod

    Who are your bets so far?

    Photos courtesy of Manhunt International
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