Pops Fernandez returns via a photo scandal

    When was the last time we heard about the Concert Queen Pops Fernandez?

    I think it was when she broke up with Jomari Yllana and reunited with Martin Nieverra in a concert last February.

    And now, the almost forgotten name "Pops Fernandez" returns as an alleged photo scandal of her pops out.

    As shown on SNN last night, a photo of a fully naked woman alleged to be Pops is said to be spreading online.

    But judging the photo, it's very much photoshopped.

    Who would have thought that a 45-year-old woman like Pops will still be a subject of a scandal photo? And if it was indeed photoshopped, why did the "photoshopper" has Pops as the target, out of all the hottest and much younger female celebs we have today?

    But at least, it's helping Pops to be in the news again and make headlines.

    And now, expect Pops being interviewed soon about the said photo.
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/11/pops-fernandez-returns-via-photo.html
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