Miss Philippines Venus Raj in her National Costume

    Miss Philippines Maria Venus Raj took part in the Miss Universe 2010 National Costume Presentation Show held last night at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas.

    The said national costume of Miss Philippines was designed not by a Filipino, but by Colombian designer Alfredo Barraza, who's also the designer of the evening gown she will wear on the preliminaries.

    Reported in the news 5 days ago, Filipino designer Rajo Laurel revealed his own sketches for Venus Raj's gowns and national costume, but unfortunately, he was not asked to be Venus' designer.

    Just like in 2007, no winner was announced for Best National Costume.

    Highly-applauded candidates during the National Costume Presentation Show were Misses USA, Mexico, Panama, Colombia and the Philippines.


    Vote for your favorite Miss Universe 2010 candidates at Mykiru's Fun Poll

    Photo courtesy of Jory Rivera/OPMB Worldwide
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/08/miss-philippines-venus-raj-in-her.html
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