2010 Youth Olympic Games: Sam Milby and Efren Peñaflorida among the torchbearers

    Hunk actor Sam Milby and CNN Hero Efren Peñaflorida are now in Singapore to take part as torchbearers in the 2010 Youth Olympic Games (YOG) Torch Relay.

    The 6-day YOG Torch Relay started last Saturday, August 7, and will end today, August 13. About 2,400 torchbearers are chosen for the
    6-day event with Sam and Efren taking part on the last day along with over 500 torchbearers from different countries.

    Sam and Efren aren't actually the only Pinoys among the torchbearers. There's one more and he is Lovelino Arboleda, head of Filipino Dragon boaters in
    Singapore, but he participated on Day 1 of the YOG Torch Relay.

    Sam and Efren will stay until tomorrow to witness the historic opening ceremony of the 2010 Youth Olympic Games to be held at the Marina Bay
    in Singapore.

    The Philippines will have 9 teen delegates in 5 sport events of the YOG as what I mentioned in my previous post.
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/08/2010-youth-olympic-games-sam-milby-and.html
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