Korea mourns Andre Kim's death

    South Korea's famed fashioner Andre Kim has died today, August 12, due
    to complications from pneumonia.

    According to Yonhap News Korea, Andre Kim was confined at Seoul National University last month until he died 7:25 PM today.

    His death has saddened Koreans and even those non-Koreans who admire
    this world-renowned fashion icon. Right after the news broke out that he already passed away, "Andre Kim" instantly become a top trending topic on Twitter.

    The last time I've heard of Andre Kim was during the Mr. World 2010 pageant in Incheon, Korea where he showcased his creations, worn by the candidates.

    Andre Kim was 74 years old and survived by an adopted son.
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/08/korea-mourns-andre-kim-death.html
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