Fantasia Barrino - Antwaun Cook video tape scandal alleged by Cook's wife

    Fantasia Barrino Antwaun Cook video tape scandal

    Does Fantasio Barrino - Antwaun Cook video tape scandal really exist?

    TMZ reported on Sunday that a woman from North Carolina named Paula Cook is alleging that her husband Antwaun and American Idol Season 3 winner Fantasia Barrino have a video tape scandal.

    Based on Paula's document submitted in court when she filed for a divorce, Fantasia broke Paula's marriage with Antwaun and the two have at times recorded their illicit s-xual activity.

    For her to allege that in court could mean the video tape really
    exists. Or the woman probably has it on hand and could show it as evidence against her husband and Fantasia.

    But before it comes out, Fantasia's camp later issued a statement to TMZ denying she broke the marriage of Paula and Antwaun. However, there's no direct denial from Fantasia when it comes to the alleged video tape.

    Back in November 2009, Fantasia was already reported dating Antwaun
    Cook, a former football player but now a T-mobile retail sales manager. website said that Fantasia even had Antwaun's
    name tattooed on her upper chest.

    The website also reported that the 30-year-old Antwaun left his teacher wife and 2 children just to be with Fantasia.

    Fantasia won the American Idol in 2004 and is the singer of the hit single "I Believe".

    Photo courtesy of
    LMD Magazine
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