Katrina Halili, the most watched accidental porn star

    Katrina Halili is once again covering up a fashion magazine after her Cosmo cover last month.

    The "Rosalinda" star who used to pose for men's magazine before the famous scandal rocked the world last May is slowly re-inventing herself now, by avoiding to pose for any men's magazine (at least for the moment).

    MEGA Magazine has Katrina Halili on its August 2009 issue and there you can read Katrina being described as the Philippines' most watched accidental porn star.

    Wow, that's one big achievement.

    Grab a copy now of MEGA August 2009 issue for more of Katrina Halili.
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2009/08/katrina-halili-most-watched-accidental.html
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