Beijing 2008 Olympics Photo Scandal

    The basketball team of Spain in the 2008 Beijing Olympics is being accused of racism and offending the Chinese people.

    The accusation has rooted from a pre-Olympic photo of Spain's basketball team, as shown above, where the 15 Spanish basketball players are all shown doing a chinky-eyed gesture, which for some are offensive and racist.

    I think it's not suggestive of any malicious acts or anything that mocks the Chinese community.

    At first look, the photo just shows they're going to China and meet the slit-eyed people.

    But there's another explanation, a real meaning of the picture.

    According to The New York Times, the Spanish basketball team is being sponsored by the Chinese company Li-Ning Footwear.

    Incidentally, Spain has won over China during its match last August 12, 2008 in the ongoing Beijing Olympics.

    As what has been reported, the Spanish team received a loud "boo" from the Chinese audience during the event, probably because of the controversial picture.

    As of latest tally in basketball, Spain now has 2 wins while China has 2 losses.
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