Jay Sean kisses a gay man at Manila concert

    Jay Sean, singer of hit songs "Down" and "Do You Remember", just had his very memorable concert in Manila, Philippines last Friday, September 3, 2010 when he unknowingly singled out a transvestite woman or a she-male fan from the audience to come up onstage.

    And the most exciting part was...Jay Sean kissed the transvestite woman and the appreciative Filipino audience screamed so loud, obviously were delighted with what they saw.

    Jay Sean kissing a gay man

    Jay Sean kissed a She-Male

    One lucky girl! She for sure couldn't sleep that night.

    And how about Jay Sean? He probably will have sleepless nights too after that and maybe, he's planning already of his next concert in Manila so he could finally pick the right girl from the audience.

    Watch the video of how Jay Sean kissed a gay fan who he thought was a girl...

    Video courtesy of vinceme29
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/09/jay-sean-kisses-gay-man-at-manila.html
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