Roxanne Guinoo, Elton Yap welcome baby girl

    Congrats to Roxanne Guinoo and fiancé Angelo Elton Yap for a healthy baby girl!

    Roxanne Guinoo Elton Yap

    Roxanne gave birth to a 7.2-lb baby girl at The Medical City in Ortigas, Pasig last Monday, September 13, 2010, says SNN report.

    It's Roxanne first child with cutie and slightly younger businessman boyfriend Elton Yap, whom she is set to marry early next year.

    The Buzz will have an exclusive interview this Sunday with the new mom Roxanne and hopefully with Elton as well.

    I'm excited to see her baby. For sure, she's super duper cute.

    Four days before giving birth, Roxanne bonded with Ms. Maricel Soriano, whom she worked with in "Florida", along with their director Rahyan Carlos. Direk Rahyan shared this photo on Facebook and look,
    Roxanne has maintained to be beautiful even if she's about to give
    birth already in 4 days. She also didn't grow that big.

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