Student Tyler Clementi jumps off the bridge after webcast of dorm video scandal

    My heart breaks for an American freshman student named Tyler Clementi who jumped off the bridge and died last week after webcast of his dorm
    video scandal.

    Tyler Clementi Photo

    Tyler Clementi Picture

    Tyler Clementi is 18 years old and a freshman talented student of
    Rutgers University in New Jersey.

    According to a report by New York Times, Clementi jumped off the George Washington Bridge on the night of September 22, three days after his roommate allegedly secretly taped him while making out with another male student.

    The roommate is identified as Dharu Ravi who allegedly set up a hidden cam in their room and had it webcast online.

    Oh, that's so harsh and cruel!

    Another dormmate, a girl named Molly Wei, allegedly is also being
    suspected taking part in the secret videotaping and the two have been charged already with invasion of privacy.

    The report stated that Tyler Clementi wasn't open about his sexuality but I think his roommate (if the allegations are true) is the one who's more gay than Tyler.

    Because he enjoyed the video taping, he probably had fun watching his roommate scandal, shared the dorm video to his chatmates and even
    attempted to secretly tape his roommate again after 2 days.

    For some people, it's just so easy to ruin other people's lives.
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