RJ Padilla portrays Uncle Robin in a biopic

    RJ Padilla portrays action superstar Robin Padilla in a indie biopic movie entitled "Paano Ginawa Ang Isang Robin Padilla".

    The 20-year-old RJ is the son of Robin's brother Rommel Padilla.

    The true-to-life movie, which has been in-production since last year, is directed by Deo J. Fajardo Jr., who knows Robin a lot and directed him in more than 5 action movies.

    Direk Deo will be portrayed in the movie by Richard Quan.

    I wonder who's portraying Rustom Padilla.

    And how about Robin's mom Eva Cariño.

    Bebe Gandanghari is a perfect choice to play her own mom.
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2009/09/rj-padilla-portrays-uncle-robin-in.html
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