Hollywood celebs tweet support for the Filipinos

    Even famous international celebrities sympathize with the victims of Ondoy and are now calling for help via their Twitter accounts.

    Josh Groban tweeted last Saturday: "My heart goes out to my friends in the Philippines"

    Demi Lovato said 23 hours ago: "Come on guys, the Red Cross is a beautiful thing and the Philippines need OUR help.. Let's put it to good use and make our country proud."

    Demi Moore tweeted 21 hours ago: "typhoon victims in Philippines in dire need of food/clothng. Call the American Red Cross to help. 18004357669"

    Pete Wentz (12 hours ago): "Typhoon victims in philippines in dire need of rescue/food/clothing. pls help thru redcross: http://bit.ly/1VhJak please RT."

    Alyssa Milano's tweet 11 hours earlier: "This Video from AP news on the devastation from Typhoon Ondoy in Philippines is heartbreaking: http://bit.ly/3zZiPp"

    Channing Tatum also tweeted 11 hours ago: "Not sure if the phone # in the last tweet was correct. If you want to help typhoon victims in the Philippines, please call 1-800-REDCROSS."

    Josh Groban tweeted again about 10 hours ago: "The situation in the Philippines is becoming very dire. this is a good way to start helping. http://www.redcross.org.ph/..."

    Ricky Martin (about 8 hours ago): "if u want help the victims of the typhoon Ondoy/Philippines go here http://ow.ly/riCU quieres ayudar?directamnt a la cruz roja en philipnas"

    Paris Hilton (5 hours ago): "Typhoon victims in Philippines in dire need of food/clothng. Call the American Red Cross to help. 1-800 435-7669"
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2009/09/hollywood-celebs-tweet-support-for.html
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