PBB's Jolas Paguia joins the Cappuccinos

    He got some "big" potential!

    Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition Plus ex-housemate Jolas Paguia is the newest addition in the newly-launched sexy all-male group The Cappuccinos.

    Standing 6'4", Jolas becomes the tallest member of the Cappuccinos.

    Jolas, who is Elyzar Paguia in real life, will turn 20 this April and as a new member of the Cappuccinos, Jolas officially says goodbye to his teenybopper image and welcomes the man that he is now.

    Aside from Jolas, three more hunky good-looking men will join the 8 existing members of the Cappuccinos for the group's re-launch this Summer.
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2009/03/pbb-jolas-paguia-joins-cappuccinos.html
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