Casey Carlson of American Idol Season 8 gets the limelight

    Casey Carlson, 20-year-old Adversting and Public Relations student at the University of Minnesota, has earned a ticket to Hollywood after passing the initial audition in American Idol Season 8.

    Carlson's audition in Kansas was shown in the show's 2nd episode last Wednesday, January 14, 2009 where she sang 'A Thousand Miles' by Vanessa Carlton.

    Judges Simon Cowell like her performance, that's all that matters for now.

    American Idol (8th Season) just had its 2-night premiere but Casey Carlson is already making headlines after posing in bikini as one of the 2009 Calendar Girls of

    It was something with a purpose, as the proceeds for the said calendar will go to breast cancer research.

    Take a look at Carlson's calendar photo:

    At least, it's not a scandal, unlike in the past seasons. Or a scandal is in the works?

    Here's Carlson's American Idol audition:

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