Vincent Bueno wins in Austria's Musical! Die Show

    Filipino's pride Vincent Bueno emerged as the Grand Superstar in Austria's #1 musical singing competition Musical! Die Show (Musical! The Show) Friday, January 11, 2008 (Saturday morning in the Philippines).

    Bueno, representing Wien (Vienna, Austria), garnered an amazing 62.5% of the total votes, beating two female Austrians namely Eva Klikovics (2nd, 37.5%) and Gudrun Ihninger, who was eliminated early part of the finals show.

    He sang the songs "Grease Lightning" and "Music of the Night", which were his tickets to winning the prize of 50,000 euros (3 million pesos).

    Here's Vincent and Eva in a duet during the finale show:

    See more photos of Vincent Bueno HERE.

    Photo courtesy of Musical! Die Show official site.

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