Ramiele Malubay in American Idol Season 7

    Ramiele Malubay, 19-year old Filipino-American from Miami, Florida and stands 4'11", auditioned in American Idol Season 7 and got the chance of going to Hollywood.

    She sang "Natural Woman" by Aretha Franklin.

    Judge Simon Cowell described Ramiele as cute but not a contemporary singer thus giving her a "NO" while female judge Paula Abdul found her adorable, a phenomenal and fine singer.

    Both Paula and Randy Jackson gave her a "YES" which earned her the ticket to Hollywood.

    Watch her audition video...

    Aside from Ramiele, these are the names who passed the auditions in Miami, Florida and Omaha, Nebraska:

    Angelica Puente
    Brittany Wescott
    Corliss Smith
    David Cook
    Denise Jackson
    Elizabeth Erkert
    Ghaleb Emachan
    Jason Rich
    Leo Marlowe
    Lorena Pinot
    Michael Sanfilippo
    Natashia Blach
    Rachael Wicker
    Robbie Carrico
    Samantha Sidley
    Suzanne Toon
    Syesha Mercado

    More auditions videos:

    Brandon Black, who made Simon and Randy walked away from their seats. He sang "I'll Make Love To You" dedicating the song to Paula Abdul. He obviously didn't make the cut.

    Double auditions by Corliss Smith and Brittany Wescott

    Next week's episode will show the auditions in Atlanta, Georgia.
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2008/01/ramiele-malubay-in-american-idol-season.html
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