Hollywood's Most Influential Babies

    They're babies, angelic and innocent. With their superstar parents, they could be very influential.

    Forbes.com has come up with a list of celebrity babies that are considered most influential. Even if you don't do any research or study, the Jolie-Pitt babies will obviously top and dominate the list.

    Take a look at Forbes' Top 10 Most Infuential Infants in Hollywood:

    1. Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

    2. Suri Cruise

    3. Zahara Jolie-Pitt

    4. Sean Preston Federline

    5. Pax Jolie-Pitt

    6. Alexis Woods

    7. David Banda (tie)

    7. Dannielynn Hope Marshall Birkhead (tie)

    9. Romero Beckham (tie)

    9. Cruz Beckham (tie)

    Photos courtesy of Flickr and Forbes.com
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/12/hollywood-most-influential-babies.html
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