Hady Mirza of Singapore is the first Asian Idol

    And the first Asian Idol is.... Hady Mirza of Singapore.

    Twenty-seven year old Hady Mirza becomes the first Asian Idol when he bested five other 'idol' contestants held Sunday, December 16, 2007 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

    He sang 'Beautiful Day' by U2 and Singaporean song 'Berserah' during the performance show a night before which earned him the ticket to his way to being the first Asian Idol.

    Hardy's victory was, in a way, unexpected especially that neither of the judges present during the results show predicted him to win in Asian Idol 2007.

    Favorites to win were Mau Marcelo of the Philippines and Mike Mohede of Indonesia.

    At any rate though, Hady and the other five contestants were all deserving to win. That's why they're called "Idol" in their respective countries, right?

    Congratulations Hady!

    Watch Hady Mirza during the Asian Idol 2007 Results Show

    Photos courtesy of Flickr and Singapore Idol site.

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/12/hady-mirza-of-singapore-is-first-asian.html
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