Michael Jordan, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks & more at Oprah's Farewell Show

    Bigtime celebs made a surprise appearance at Oprah's Farewell Show, which was taped last Tuesday, May 17, at the United Center in Chicago.

    Dubbed as "The Farewell Season: Oprah's Surprise Spectacular", The Oprah Winfrey Show's finale / last episodes will be aired on May 23 and 24.Oprah's show is signing off after being on air for 25 years, the longest-running daytime talk show in the US.

    Here's the list of celebs appearing on Oprah's Farewell Show, which include Arnold Schwarzenegger's wife Maria Shriver, who despite the marital crisis she's going through, managed to surprise Oprah Winfrey on her show:

    (in alphabetical order)

    Alicia Keys
    Aretha Franklin
    Dakota Fanning
    Diane Sawyer
    Gayle King
    Halle Berry
    Jackie Evancho
    Jada Smith
    Jamie Foxx
    Jerry Seinfeld
    Josh Groban
    Katie Holmes
    Kristen Chenoweth
    Maria Shriver
    Maya Angelou
    Michael Jordan
    Patty LaBelle
    Queen Latifah
    Rascal Flatts
    Rosie O'Donnell
    Simon Cowell
    Stedman Graham
    Stevie Wonder
    Tom Cruise
    Tom Hanks
    Tyler Perry
    Will Smith

    I wonder why Oprah's goddaughter Charice wasn't part of the farewell show.

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2011/05/michael-jordan-tom-cruise-tom-hanks.html
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