Velvet's Tribute to the Oscars 2011 Photo Exhibit: Local celebs transform as Hollywood actors

    John Lloyd Cruz, Bea Alonzo, Kim Chiu, Heart Evangelista, Dennis Trillo, Azkals and a lot more have transformed into Hollywood actors for Velvet Channel's Best of Hollywood photo exhibit last Thursday.

    The said exhibit which was Velvet's tribute to the upcoming Oscars 2011 on Monday was held at the Archaelogy Wing of Power Plant Mall in Rockwell and is still available there for public viewing until March 3.

    The Velvet photo exhibit was also a competition and winning the top prize was the team behind "Sherlock Holmes" featuring John Lloyd Cruz as Robert Downey, Jr.

    Check out photos from the exhibit:

    Velvet Channel: John Lloyd Cruz on Twitpic
    John Lloyd Cruz as Robert Downey Jr for "Sherlock Holmes" - Gold Prize winner (P175k) [Photography - Xander Angeles, Styling - Matt Gozum, Makeup - Cha Cuyong]

    Velvet Channel: Jewel Mische beside the photo of her being Co... on Twitpic
    Jewel Mische for "Coco Before Chanel" - Silver Prize winner (P125k) [Photography - Ria Regino, Styling - Rex Atienza, Makeup - RB Chanco, Hair - Felicity Son]

    Velvet Channel: Kim Chiu on Twitpic
    Kim Chiu as Natalie Portman for "The Black Swan" - Bronze Prize winner (P75k) [Photography - Miguel Miranda, Styling - Patrick Galang, Makeup - Lilian Yeung, Hair - Apriel Seguin]

    Velvet Channel: Rich Herrera with photographer Dix Perez and ... on Twitpic
    Rich Harden, ? and Rich Herrera for "Talented Mr. Ripley"

    Velvet Channel: Diego Mapa, Heart Evangelista on Twitpic
    Diego Mapa and heart Evangelista for "Annie Hall"

    Velvet Channel: Daniel Matsunaga, Hideo Muraoka, Fabio Ide on Twitpic
    Daniel Matsunaga, Fabio Ide, Hideo Muraoka for "Untouchables"

    Bea Alonzo as Audrey Hepburn for "Sabrina"
    Megan Young for "Thomas Crowne Affairs"
    Empress Schuck and Azkals' Anton del Rosario and Christopher Camcam for "Inception"
    Zsa Zsa Padilla for "Burlesque"
    Julia Montes and Dennis Trillo for "Alice in Wonderland"

    Photos courtesy of Cherry Pineda (@CherryPineda on Twitter)

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