Aljur Abrenica starrer 'Machete' is the name of a new gay bar in Manila

    Aljur Abrenica-starring soap "Machete" is also the name of a newly-opened gay entertainment bar in Pasay City, Metro Manila.

    Not exactly the same name as Aljur's show, 'coz the gay bar's name is spelled as Machette, with a double T (as in t-t). But still, it sounds alike and obviously was derived from Aljur's title role.

    Machette Entertainment Bar opened last January 21, just 3 days before
    "Machete" premiered on GMA 7 last Jan. 24.

    According to its website (, where the above logo came from, everyone's welcome there, not only the gay customers, to enjoy a night of comedy, macho dancers, cool drinks and great music.

    Makapunta see if they have Aljur Abrenica-type of men there. :-P


    Speaking of Machete, the show, I've heard it's wrapping up already in March, 2 months after its premiere. How true?

    Well, if it's true, then probably it's because of a not so high performance in the ratings.

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