Greyson Chance beats Justin Bieber...on Twitter's 10 Trending Topics

    I've been monitoring the Top 10 Trending Topic on Twitter for 24 hours
    now and everytime I check on it, I could not get the chance to see
    'Justin Bieber' among them, which is unusual.

    Justin Bieber was consistently among the trending topics on Twitter,
    but not anymore when Greyson Michael Chance performed on 'The Ellen
    DeGeneres Show' last Thursday and wowed the whole world.

    Since that guesting, Greyson has been trending on Twitter and Bieber
    is missing now. What happened? Do some of Bieber fans change
    preference on who to idolize now? Or Greyson has an all-new set of
    fans, bigger than Justin's?

    Some tweeters are debating as to who's more talented between Greyson
    and Bieber, some are hating one or another while some have no other
    option but to love them both.

    It's too early to tell, but Ellen is proving right in saying that
    Greyson Chance is the next teen sensation. Yes, he's not yet a teen
    sensation 'coz he's only 12. But he's truly a phenomenon today, a kid
    sensation for now.

    As of 7:28am today, here's what trending on Twitter: NBC cancels
    HEROES, #anydaynow, #myquestionis, tomwellingissuperman, Sumera,
    HappyBdayAnahi, Greyson, Virada Cultural, Oil Spill and Delonte.
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