Sarah Geronimo's "Laban" pic taken 3 years ago

    Fans of Sarah Geronimo have clarified on Twitter that the picture of
    Sarah Geronimo in a yellow shirt and flashing the "Laban" sign was an
    old photo, and not a new one.

    According to them, it was taken 3 years back during Sarah's 19th
    birthday celebration with her fans. It was uploaded on the internet
    last July 27, 2007 to be exact at Forums.

    You can still find it there. Just log on and look for the thread
    "Sarah's 19th Birthday Celebration with the Popsters" Page 20 or go to
    this link:

    And that clears things up. Fans are hoping that malicious minds will
    no longer make a big issue out of it.

    Some of the fans have also tweeted support for Sarah and defended her
    in this controversy and here's just two of them:

    roundrs: "It was not intentional. B-day kasi nya yun and saka yung
    supporters niya kulay yellow ang gusto. Aliw nga at nakisali siya eh".

    ashlloydbaldiks: "Sarah's working hard and did not harm anyone. She
    deserves the word RESPECT from all of us."Source URL:
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