Big announcement about PBB on TV Patrol World

    Kuya or Big Brother will make a very important announcement about PBB
    Teen Clash 2010 on TV Patrol World tonight.

    Ano kaya 'yun? I feel so nervous. I just hope it's gonna be a good news.

    On PBB Über this afternoon, Mariel Rodriguez was talking about the
    announcement many times and even said that we might regret if we don't
    catch it on TV Patrol.

    Does it have something to do with the ongoing votation for the 6
    nominees? Or a teen housemate will be given a forced eviction? The
    Team Villa and The Team Apartment will merge this early?

    How about a big twist this season? Like a new set of housemates? Or
    ex-housemates will return in the house? Whatever...

    Kuya really needs any ways possible to make PBB Teen Clash 2010 as
    exciting as the previous editions.

    Just watch TV Patrol World later to know Kuya's big announcement...Source URL:
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