Another 'Forced Eviction' on PBB Teen Clash 2010

    I told you guys this morning that two housemates of PBB Teen Clash
    2010 were caught on 24/7 having a convo about nomination.

    Tonight, Kuya will make an announcement as to who will be given a
    'forced eviction'.

    And it's most likely that the Diskarte Bombshell of Mindoro Shey
    Bustamante will be the one to hear such bad news because on 24/7, she
    was caught trying to influence Devon Seron of who should she nominate
    next. And Devon probably might just get an automatic nomination
    because she was also caught contributing to the convo.

    It would be the second time that Kuya will enforce a forced eviction.
    Last Saturday, Maichel Fideles was also force evicted because of
    repeated violations.

    But the good part of it is that, a new housemate might enter the house soon.Source URL:
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