(Photos) Prince Stefan is no longer hairy

    Prince Stefan sexy photosStarstruck Season 4's Prince Stefan has re-invented himself lately by having a hard-earned body beef, which reminds you of Carlos Agassi during his early years.

    In his interview with Showbiz Central yesterday, Prince reveals he's ready to tackle more mature and more daring roles. And to start it off, he posted on Facebook some sexy photos of himself shot in Baguio and on a beach in Iloilo, where he posed "provocative and lustworthy" in his undies.

    Prince was actually a sexy hunk already during his Starstruck stint. In fact, he was a favorite to win the "Ultimate Hunk" title in the competition, but he lost to Aljur Abrenica and ended as the season's First Prince.

    And now, the Fil-Arabian Prince has gone sexier and yummier living up to his name. Noticeably, he has removed the hairs on his chest down to his 'ahummm'.

    Prince Stefan shirtless
    From hairy to non-hairy

    More Prince Stefan Photos:

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    Lee Fausto also has a post about Prince Stefan. Check it out: Prince Stefan now sexier than ever!!!
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/02/photos-prince-stefan-is-no-longer-hairy.html
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