Michelle Madrigal on Jon Hall: Masarap siya!

    Michelle Madrigal boyfriendI have just read at Allan Diones' column today on Abante-Tonite that Michelle Madrigal wants to keep her current relationship a secret to avoid intrigues.

    In her interview with Diones, Michelle said that her present boyfriend is caring and hot.

    Allan asks: Masarap bang magmahal ang secret boyfriend niya?
    Michelle answers: “Masarap siyang mag-alaga…”
    Allan asks: Bukod doon, bakit masarap ang boyfriend niya?
    Michelle answers: “Kasi, hot siya! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

    With the way Michelle answered the questions, it seems like she's pretty much contented and happy with her well-endowed boyfriend who happens to be Fil-Brit hunk Jon Hall, a Bench model just like Michelle.

    Michelle Madrigal Jon Hall

    Michelle Madrigal secret bf

    Michelle Madrigal bf model

    Why does Michelle have to keep it a secret when in fact it has already known since last year?

    Special thanks to Bruno Abreira for some photos!
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/02/michelle-madrigal-on-jon-hall-masarap.html
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