2010 Winter Olympics: Scotty Lago Photo Scandal

    Snowboarder Scotty Lago from the Team USA finished only 3rd and got a bronze model in the 2010 Winter Olympics snowboarding event in Vancouver, Canada last Thursday, but with the racy pictures of him and an aggressive fan circulating online, Lago deserves a "gold medal" for being hot and scandalous.

    As seen in the circulating photos, a fan took a bite of Lago's bronze medal and even kneeled down on Lago just to kiss the precious medal (a simulation of something).

    Some sources say that the girl in the scandalous pics is actually Lago's girlfriend.

    As reported, the photos were taken Thursday night at a party in Vancouver and circulated online the next day.

    The Ski and Snowboard Association considered it as unacceptable and inappropriate for a great athlete like Scotty Lago.

    Lago immediately apologized for the racy pics and volunteered to leave Vancouver on Saturday.

    Photos courtesy of TMZ.com/Splashnewsonline.com

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2010/02/2010-winter-olympics-scotty-lago-photo.html
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