JP left the Big Brother house early morning of Tuesday, just barely two days after he and twin brother John Michael or JM, entered the house, but it was shown on TV just last Wednesday night.
He made the decision after Big Brother called his attention regarding his still pending leave application at an airline where he works as a flight attendant.
It turned out that his employer has not yet approved his leave application and might lose his job if he did not report the next working day.
As a responsible husband and father, JP opted to choose his work over his PBB stint.
Meanwhile, his twon brother JM has been permitted to stay longer and has continue the twin's secret task inside the Big Brother house.
With JP's voluntary exit, he becomes the first housemate to depart the PBB house and possibly, the first housemate ever in PBB history to stay for a very short time inside the house.
It puzzles me how JP wasn't able to fix those things up when in fact, they had long preparations for PBB.
On last night's episode of PBB, the housemates were into "hot seat" and confessed some shocking facts about them.
Jason Francisco once had a prostitute girlfriend and was fooled by woman who turned out to be a transgendered woman. He ended up kissing with the transsexual and "nakakasuka" was the term he used to describe his feeling when he learned she's not a real girl.
Mariel Sorino meanwhile was once a "kerida".
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