Baron Geisler reunites with the housemates; New housemates to replace Mariel, Ethel & Mcoy

    Baron Geisler is now back with his brother Donald and 7 other housemates after a 91.69% approval from viewers who texted in their votes since Wednesday.

    Pinoy Big Brother really needs Baron to add more spice in the house, especially now that Ethel is gone.

    On TV Patrol World, PBB Business Unit Head Laurenti Dyogi expressed his side regarding the sudden exit of Mcoy Fundales and Ethel early Thursday.

    According to him, he was sad with what happened because Mcoy and Ethel were two top contenders for the Big Four.

    Dyogi also hinted that a new housemate or housemates might be admitted inside the Big Brother house to replace Mcoy and Ethel.

    A comeback might also be a possibility, especially that the eight remaining housemates have already spent 39 days inside the Big Brother house and it would be unfair if a new housemate might join them and stay for only 31 days.

    Some PBB Fanatics would rather have Gaby dela Merced back if in case she is already through with her international racing seminar.

    Celebrity houseguest Mariel Rodriguez is scheduled to leave tomorrow, November 24, and a new houseguest might also fill her position.


    The housemates are watching the short film that they have just wrapped up. Baron Geisler, who was once a Best Actor awardee outside, is teasing Will Devaughn and Riza Santos as Best Actor and Actress in the film.

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