Our very own PINOY URGE is one of the finalists for Best Asian Blog, an international category in the 2007 Weblog Awards.
Weblog Awards is considered as the largest blog competition, recognizing the best blogs around the world.
In 2006 Weblog Awards, Filipino blog 'Pinoy Stupid' also made it as one of the finalists for Best Asian Blog, but it went to 'Onemanbandwith,' a blog by an American professor in China.
Other notable finalists in other categories for the 2007 Weblog Awards include Boing Boing and Post Secret for Best Blog; Rosie O'Donnell, Kanye West, Donal Trump and John Mayer for Best Celebrity Blog; Hollywood Tuna, A Socialite's Life, Perez Hilton, TMZ and Dlisted for Best Gossip Blog; and the famous 'Leave Britney Alone!' for Video of the Year.
To vote for Pinoy Urge, just go HERE.
Take a look at this year's finalists and your blog might be one of them:
International Categories
Best Canadian Blog
* Small Dead Animals
* Five Feet of Fury
* What's Next
* Angry in the Great White North
* Scott's DiaTribes
* The Canadian Sentinel
* Verbalized
* Apply-Liberally
* Mitchieville
* Raymitheminx
Best UK Blog
* Iain Dale
* Guy Fawkes
* Neil Clark
* EUReferendum
* Pub Philosopher
* The Devil's Kitchen
* Baggage Reclaim
* Nourishing Obscurity
* Bright Meadow
* Kickette
Best European Blog (Non UK)
* European Tribune
* Vander Galien Gazette
* RennyBA's Terella
* Lifecruiser
* Brussels Journal
* Robert Amsterdam
* Elit Alice
* Black Women in Europe
* Retecool
* Star-Sailor
Best Asian Blog
Terra Byte
Agam's Gecko
withlove, me
Webbed feet, Web log
IZ Reloaded
Pinoy Urge
Marina's Bloggariffic
Ko Htike's Prosaic Collection
Footsteps in the Mirror
Without giving the movie away
Best Middle East or Africa Blog
* Michael J. Totten - Middle East Journal
* My Marrakesh
* Iraq the Model
* A Mother in Israel
* The Dry Bones Blog
* Sand Monkey
* Treppenwitz
* The Sudanese Thinker
* Eatbees Blog
Best Australia or New Zealand Blog
* Ask Sam
* After Grog Blog
* Dipping into the Blog Pond
* The Road to Surfdom
* Tim Blair
* Hot Topic
* John Quiggin
* The Family Room
* All Men Are Liars
* iCiNG
Best Latino, Caribbean, or South American Blog
* The Real Cuba
* Luz de Luma
* Recetario de una vida cualquiera
* Babalu Blog
* Chileno
* Guanabee
* Mario Alegre FemenÃas
* Arimou’s World
* Alias Cane
* La PC Nostra (Nadia Molina)
General Categories
Best Blog
* Michelle Malkin
* Huffington Post
* RawStory
* TownHall
* Andrew Sullivan
* Captain's Quarters
* The Presurfer
* Gawker
* Boing Boing
* PostSecret
Best New Blog
* deputydog
* Fussypants
* Adeline and Hazel
* Nice Deb
* Mrs. Furious
* Commentary Contentions
* Jammie Wearing Fool
* Calling America
* NJ Voices: Joel Schwartzberg
Best Individual Blogger
* The Anchoress
* Mike Hitchen - I On Global Trends
* Majikthise
* Deborah Ng - Freelance Writing Jobs
* Richie - Oblogitory
* Peter Black - Peter Black's Freedom to Differ
* Rosemary Rowe - Creampuff Revolution
* Flip - Suitably Flip
* Glenn Reynolds - InstaPundit
* Laura Freberg - Laura's Psychology Blog
Funniest Blog
* Jon Swift
* Boobs, Injuries and Dr. Pepper
* DUmmie FUnnies
* Sadly, No!
* The Lawsons Do Dallas!
* i am bossy
* Laurie Kendrick
* The Nose On Your Face
* The Sneeze
* The Hatemonger's Quarterly
Best Comic Strip
* Phil and Kaja Foglio's Girl Genius
* Day By Day - Chris Muir
* My Extra Life by Scott Johnson
* PvP Online
* Penny Arcade
* Attack
* Least I could do
* Sluggy Freelance
* xkcd
* Basic Instructions
Best Online Community
Little Green Footballs
My Left Wing
Television Without Pity
Best Liberal Blog
* Hullabaloo
* Think Progress
* Shakesville
* Pandagon
* skippy the bush kangaroo
* Orcinus
* Firedoglake
* Glenn Greenwald's Unclaimed Territory
* Talking Points Memo
* Feministing
Best Conservative Blog
* Say Anything
* Sister Toldjah
* Right Wing News
* Ankle Biting Pundits
* Captain's Quarters
* Michelle Malkin
* Ace of Spades HQ
* The Belmont Club
* Powerline
* Newsbusters
Best Political Coverage
Ben Smith
At Largely
Connecticut Local Politics
It's not a democracy, it's a conspiracy
The MountainGoat Report
Foreign Policy Watch
The Campaign Spot
The Crossed Pond
Extreme Mortman
Best Celebrity Blog
* Ross Matthews
* Rosie O'Donnell
* Kanye West
* Mark Cuban
* Donald Trump
* Jenna Fischer
* Curt Schilling
* Gilbert Arenas
* Wil Wheaton
* John Mayer
Topic Area Categories
Best Technology Blog
Smashing Magazine
Tech Rivet
The Apple Blog
Best Sports Blog
On The DL
Kissing Susy Kolber
Express & Star
On Frozen Blog
Every Day Should Be Saturday
F1 Fanatic
The Hardball Times
SB Nation
Best Military Blog
* Blackfive
* Michael Yon
* The Long War Journal
* American Soldier
* Jeff Emanuel
* Badgers Forward
* The Sandbox
* Army of Dude
* SpouseBuzz
Best Law Blog
* Above the Law
* How Appealing
* Volokh Conspiracy
* Sui Generis
* Balkinization
* Simple Justice
* Wall Street Journal Law Blog
* Likelihood Of Confusion
* Ms JD Changing the Face of the Legal Profession
Best Business Blog
* DreamHost Blog
* BizzyBlog
* The Club for Growth:
* SEI Design Group Blog
* Evil HR Lady
* ValleyWag
* Kudlow's Money Politics
* The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid (Donald Luskin)
* Problogger
* Black In Business
Best LGBT Blog
* Republic of T
* Pam's House Blend
* Joe My God
* Gay Patriot
* Average Gay Joe
* Susie Bright's Journal
* The Bilerico Project
* Keith Boykin
* Fetch me my axe
* Mombian
Best Parenting Blog
* Antique Mommy
* Notes from the Trenches
* Bub and Pie
* Amalah
* LookyDaddy
* finslippy
* Hollywood Flakes
* Dad Gone Mad
* "I think this world is perfect..."
* Postcards from the Mothership
Best Education Blog
* The Jose Vilson
* Teaching Learners with Multiple Special Needs
* Frumteacher
* Hobo Teacher
* NYC Educator
* Education Week
* Matthew K. Tabor, Education for the Aughts: Education News, Issues and Analysis
* James Logan Courier
* The Miss Rumphius Effect
* IvyGate
Best Science Blog
* SciGuy
* Junk Science
* In the Pipeline
* Journey By Starlight
* Pharyngula
* Bad Astronomy Blog
* Invasive Species Weblog
* Sciencebase
* Climate Audit
* Bootstrap Analysis
Best Medical/Health Issues Blog
* CancerDiva
* Stirrup Queen
* Baldy's Blog
* John is Fit
* Free From
* Kevin, M.D. Medical Weblog
* Centre for Emotional Wellbeing
* Fighting Fatigue
* Respectful Insolence
* Autism Vox
Best Religious Blog
* Holy Schmidt
* CampOnThis
* GodDivas
* The Deacon’s Bench
* What Does the Prayer Really Say? (WDTPRS)
* Evangelical Outpost
* A Payne Hollow Visit
* One Cosmos
* Talk Wisdom
* Praize.com/Jolanell
Best Pet Blog
* Boo Casanova
* The Many Adventures of Wonder Ruby
* The Daily Coyote
* The Daily Puppy
* Kitty Limericks
* Butchy & Snickers Blog-2 Wild & Woolly WFT's
* For the Love of Dog
* I Can Has Cheezburger
* Cute Overload
Best Food Blog
* Cooking For Engineers
* Men In Aprons
* Coconut & Lime
* Mom's Best Recipes
* Off The Broiler
* The Expatriate's Kitchen
* Epicurious
* Pinch My Salt
* 101 Cookbooks
* Serious Eats
Arts & Letters Categories
Best Photo Blog
* G8 - The Keeper
* Stuck in Customs
* Watch This Space
* wideangle.ca
* Cornershots
* Deceptive Media
* Jinky Art
* Shifting Pixel
* Zombietime
* Confessions of a Pioneer Woman
Best Culture Blog
* MC Rebbe
* Modestly Yours
* Self-Styled Siren
* Libertas
* CPH Magazine
* Kyle Smith Online
* Tifaux
* The Jay
* The Cool Hunter
* Pop Candy
Best Literature Blog
* Pepys' Diary
* Avon Romance Blog
* Maud Newton
* Classical Bookworm
* Writer's Block
* Erik Hare
* Diary of a Heretic
* Bookgasm
* Neil Gaiman's journal
* McSweeney's
Best Diarist
* Dooce
* Ruthlace
* Desperate Irish Housewife
* The Median Sib
* Little Nuances
* Journal Revolution: The Daily Adventures of Two Sisters
* Collection of my Confessions
* Robin Slick: In Her Own Write
* Army Wife - Toddler Mom
* the laid back buddhist
Best Gossip Blog
* The Superficial
* The Bastardly
* Hollywoodtuna
* A Socialite's Life
* Perez Hilton
* Dlisted
* Derek Hail
* Mollygood
* Go Fug Yourself
Best Music Blog
* Kevipod Music
* Pretty Much Amazing
* HM
* I guess I'm Floating
* Fluxblog
* Stereogum
* My Old Kentucky Blog
* Aquarium Drunkard
* Chris Picks
* Live Music Blog
Best Podcast
* This Week In Tech
* Econtalk
* Pundit Review:
* Slate Magazine Daily
* The Glenn and Helen Show.
* Shire Network News
* The Mr Science Show
* The Pentagon Channel
* Unsafe Bull Podcast
* Harry Potter Prognostications
Best Video Blog
* HamNation (Mary Katharine Ham):
* Crooks & Liars
* Hot Air
* It's JerryTime!
* Zefank
* The Heady Pepper
* You Gotta See This Video!
* Hot Potato Mash
* This Day In Alternate History
* Democracy Broadcasting News
Video Of The Year
* HaHaHa
* Falling Water
* Kiwi
* Potter Puppet Pals in "The Mysterious Ticking Noise"
* Chocolate Rain
* Seafood Surprise Video from The Heady Pepper!
* HamNation - Sopranos DC Edition
* The Landlord
* Leave Britney Alone
* "I Got a Crush...On Obama" By Obama Girl
TTLB Ecosystem Categories
Best of the Top 250 Blogs
* Just One Minute
* My Pet Jawa
* Balloon Juice
* Wonkette
* RedState
* Bitch Ph.D.
* MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
* Jesus' General
* Blue Star Chronicles
* Gateway Pundit
Best of the Top 251 - 500 Blogs
* Isreal Matzav
* The Carpetbagger Report
* feministe
* The Moderate Voice
* TBogg
* Knowledge is Power
* Baldilocks
* Fausta
* PC Free Zone
* Asymmetrical Information
Best of the Top 501 - 1000 Blogs
* The Poor Man Institute
* Woman Honor Thyself
* Smirking Chimp
* Agonist
* The Sideshow
* The Llama Butchers!
* Betsy's Page
* The American Mind
* All for Women
* Coyote Blog
Best of the Top 1001 - 1750 Blogs
* Obsidian Wings
* Bookworm Room
* Agent Bedhead
* Merri Musings
* The Sundries Shack
* Thoughts of a Regular Guy
* Slacktivist
* Dispatches from the Culture Wars
* Echidne of the Snakes
* Newshoggers
Best of the Top 1751 - 2500 Blogs
* Armies of Liberation
* The Smallest Minority
* Gene Expression
* Weapons of Mass Discussion
* A Blog For All
* Chickenhawk Express
* Texas Rainmaker
* Hooah Wife
* Political Vindication
* Little Miss Attila
Best of the Top 2501 - 3500 Blogs
* Booker Rising
* Boots and Sabers
* Daddy's Roses
* Random Thoughts- Do They Have Meaning?
* Creek Running North
* A Tiny Revolution
* Driftglass
* From My Position... On the way!
* Everyday Me . . . life as it happens
* Acephalous
Best of the Top 3501 - 5000 Blogs
* Streak's Blog
* Prometheus 6
* The Galloping Beaver
* Dr. Joan Bushwell's Chimpanzee Refuge
* (parenthetical remarks)
* Ken Levine
* Wonderland or Not.
* Digger's Realm
* Southern Sass On Crime
* Durham in Wonderland
Best of the Top 5001 - 6750 Blogs
* Doug Ross @ Journal
* The Stupid Shall Be Punished
* Whiskey Fire
* Gay Orbit
* The Field Negro
* Simply Left Behind
* Three Wise Men!
* The Debate Link
* Insureblog
* Liberty Pundit
Best of the Top 6751 - 8750 Blogs
* Gus Van Horn
* Abnormal Interests
* Cabarrus Cheap Seats
* Winter Patriot
* Reno and Its Discontents
* HE&OS--Home Education & Other Stuff
* Wigderson Library & Pub
* Scholars & Rogues
* Jack and Jill Politics
* Slow Cooker Recipes
Best of the Rest of the Blogs (8751+)
* Full Throtle
* Fat Man Unleashed
* The Urban Grind
* Kiko's House
* Kiss My Gumbo
* Photos by Seawitch
* Political Grind
* Konagod
* Slublog
* The Iraq War Was Wrong Blog
Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/11/2007-weblog-awards.html
Visit nEw MyKiRu IsYuSeRo for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Weblog Awards is considered as the largest blog competition, recognizing the best blogs around the world.
In 2006 Weblog Awards, Filipino blog 'Pinoy Stupid' also made it as one of the finalists for Best Asian Blog, but it went to 'Onemanbandwith,' a blog by an American professor in China.
Other notable finalists in other categories for the 2007 Weblog Awards include Boing Boing and Post Secret for Best Blog; Rosie O'Donnell, Kanye West, Donal Trump and John Mayer for Best Celebrity Blog; Hollywood Tuna, A Socialite's Life, Perez Hilton, TMZ and Dlisted for Best Gossip Blog; and the famous 'Leave Britney Alone!' for Video of the Year.
To vote for Pinoy Urge, just go HERE.
Take a look at this year's finalists and your blog might be one of them:
International Categories
Best Canadian Blog
* Small Dead Animals
* Five Feet of Fury
* What's Next
* Angry in the Great White North
* Scott's DiaTribes
* The Canadian Sentinel
* Verbalized
* Apply-Liberally
* Mitchieville
* Raymitheminx
Best UK Blog
* Iain Dale
* Guy Fawkes
* Neil Clark
* EUReferendum
* Pub Philosopher
* The Devil's Kitchen
* Baggage Reclaim
* Nourishing Obscurity
* Bright Meadow
* Kickette
Best European Blog (Non UK)
* European Tribune
* Vander Galien Gazette
* RennyBA's Terella
* Lifecruiser
* Brussels Journal
* Robert Amsterdam
* Elit Alice
* Black Women in Europe
* Retecool
* Star-Sailor
Best Asian Blog
Terra Byte
Agam's Gecko
withlove, me
Webbed feet, Web log
IZ Reloaded
Pinoy Urge
Marina's Bloggariffic
Ko Htike's Prosaic Collection
Footsteps in the Mirror
Without giving the movie away
Best Middle East or Africa Blog
* Michael J. Totten - Middle East Journal
* My Marrakesh
* Iraq the Model
* A Mother in Israel
* The Dry Bones Blog
* Sand Monkey
* Treppenwitz
* The Sudanese Thinker
* Eatbees Blog
Best Australia or New Zealand Blog
* Ask Sam
* After Grog Blog
* Dipping into the Blog Pond
* The Road to Surfdom
* Tim Blair
* Hot Topic
* John Quiggin
* The Family Room
* All Men Are Liars
* iCiNG
Best Latino, Caribbean, or South American Blog
* The Real Cuba
* Luz de Luma
* Recetario de una vida cualquiera
* Babalu Blog
* Chileno
* Guanabee
* Mario Alegre FemenÃas
* Arimou’s World
* Alias Cane
* La PC Nostra (Nadia Molina)
General Categories
Best Blog
* Michelle Malkin
* Huffington Post
* RawStory
* TownHall
* Andrew Sullivan
* Captain's Quarters
* The Presurfer
* Gawker
* Boing Boing
* PostSecret
Best New Blog
* deputydog
* Fussypants
* Adeline and Hazel
* Nice Deb
* Mrs. Furious
* Commentary Contentions
* Jammie Wearing Fool
* Calling America
* NJ Voices: Joel Schwartzberg
Best Individual Blogger
* The Anchoress
* Mike Hitchen - I On Global Trends
* Majikthise
* Deborah Ng - Freelance Writing Jobs
* Richie - Oblogitory
* Peter Black - Peter Black's Freedom to Differ
* Rosemary Rowe - Creampuff Revolution
* Flip - Suitably Flip
* Glenn Reynolds - InstaPundit
* Laura Freberg - Laura's Psychology Blog
Funniest Blog
* Jon Swift
* Boobs, Injuries and Dr. Pepper
* DUmmie FUnnies
* Sadly, No!
* The Lawsons Do Dallas!
* i am bossy
* Laurie Kendrick
* The Nose On Your Face
* The Sneeze
* The Hatemonger's Quarterly
Best Comic Strip
* Phil and Kaja Foglio's Girl Genius
* Day By Day - Chris Muir
* My Extra Life by Scott Johnson
* PvP Online
* Penny Arcade
* Attack
* Least I could do
* Sluggy Freelance
* xkcd
* Basic Instructions
Best Online Community
Little Green Footballs
My Left Wing
Television Without Pity
Best Liberal Blog
* Hullabaloo
* Think Progress
* Shakesville
* Pandagon
* skippy the bush kangaroo
* Orcinus
* Firedoglake
* Glenn Greenwald's Unclaimed Territory
* Talking Points Memo
* Feministing
Best Conservative Blog
* Say Anything
* Sister Toldjah
* Right Wing News
* Ankle Biting Pundits
* Captain's Quarters
* Michelle Malkin
* Ace of Spades HQ
* The Belmont Club
* Powerline
* Newsbusters
Best Political Coverage
Ben Smith
At Largely
Connecticut Local Politics
It's not a democracy, it's a conspiracy
The MountainGoat Report
Foreign Policy Watch
The Campaign Spot
The Crossed Pond
Extreme Mortman
Best Celebrity Blog
* Ross Matthews
* Rosie O'Donnell
* Kanye West
* Mark Cuban
* Donald Trump
* Jenna Fischer
* Curt Schilling
* Gilbert Arenas
* Wil Wheaton
* John Mayer
Topic Area Categories
Best Technology Blog
Smashing Magazine
Tech Rivet
The Apple Blog
Best Sports Blog
On The DL
Kissing Susy Kolber
Express & Star
On Frozen Blog
Every Day Should Be Saturday
F1 Fanatic
The Hardball Times
SB Nation
Best Military Blog
* Blackfive
* Michael Yon
* The Long War Journal
* American Soldier
* Jeff Emanuel
* Badgers Forward
* The Sandbox
* Army of Dude
* SpouseBuzz
Best Law Blog
* Above the Law
* How Appealing
* Volokh Conspiracy
* Sui Generis
* Balkinization
* Simple Justice
* Wall Street Journal Law Blog
* Likelihood Of Confusion
* Ms JD Changing the Face of the Legal Profession
Best Business Blog
* DreamHost Blog
* BizzyBlog
* The Club for Growth:
* SEI Design Group Blog
* Evil HR Lady
* ValleyWag
* Kudlow's Money Politics
* The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid (Donald Luskin)
* Problogger
* Black In Business
Best LGBT Blog
* Republic of T
* Pam's House Blend
* Joe My God
* Gay Patriot
* Average Gay Joe
* Susie Bright's Journal
* The Bilerico Project
* Keith Boykin
* Fetch me my axe
* Mombian
Best Parenting Blog
* Antique Mommy
* Notes from the Trenches
* Bub and Pie
* Amalah
* LookyDaddy
* finslippy
* Hollywood Flakes
* Dad Gone Mad
* "I think this world is perfect..."
* Postcards from the Mothership
Best Education Blog
* The Jose Vilson
* Teaching Learners with Multiple Special Needs
* Frumteacher
* Hobo Teacher
* NYC Educator
* Education Week
* Matthew K. Tabor, Education for the Aughts: Education News, Issues and Analysis
* James Logan Courier
* The Miss Rumphius Effect
* IvyGate
Best Science Blog
* SciGuy
* Junk Science
* In the Pipeline
* Journey By Starlight
* Pharyngula
* Bad Astronomy Blog
* Invasive Species Weblog
* Sciencebase
* Climate Audit
* Bootstrap Analysis
Best Medical/Health Issues Blog
* CancerDiva
* Stirrup Queen
* Baldy's Blog
* John is Fit
* Free From
* Kevin, M.D. Medical Weblog
* Centre for Emotional Wellbeing
* Fighting Fatigue
* Respectful Insolence
* Autism Vox
Best Religious Blog
* Holy Schmidt
* CampOnThis
* GodDivas
* The Deacon’s Bench
* What Does the Prayer Really Say? (WDTPRS)
* Evangelical Outpost
* A Payne Hollow Visit
* One Cosmos
* Talk Wisdom
* Praize.com/Jolanell
Best Pet Blog
* Boo Casanova
* The Many Adventures of Wonder Ruby
* The Daily Coyote
* The Daily Puppy
* Kitty Limericks
* Butchy & Snickers Blog-2 Wild & Woolly WFT's
* For the Love of Dog
* I Can Has Cheezburger
* Cute Overload
Best Food Blog
* Cooking For Engineers
* Men In Aprons
* Coconut & Lime
* Mom's Best Recipes
* Off The Broiler
* The Expatriate's Kitchen
* Epicurious
* Pinch My Salt
* 101 Cookbooks
* Serious Eats
Arts & Letters Categories
Best Photo Blog
* G8 - The Keeper
* Stuck in Customs
* Watch This Space
* wideangle.ca
* Cornershots
* Deceptive Media
* Jinky Art
* Shifting Pixel
* Zombietime
* Confessions of a Pioneer Woman
Best Culture Blog
* MC Rebbe
* Modestly Yours
* Self-Styled Siren
* Libertas
* CPH Magazine
* Kyle Smith Online
* Tifaux
* The Jay
* The Cool Hunter
* Pop Candy
Best Literature Blog
* Pepys' Diary
* Avon Romance Blog
* Maud Newton
* Classical Bookworm
* Writer's Block
* Erik Hare
* Diary of a Heretic
* Bookgasm
* Neil Gaiman's journal
* McSweeney's
Best Diarist
* Dooce
* Ruthlace
* Desperate Irish Housewife
* The Median Sib
* Little Nuances
* Journal Revolution: The Daily Adventures of Two Sisters
* Collection of my Confessions
* Robin Slick: In Her Own Write
* Army Wife - Toddler Mom
* the laid back buddhist
Best Gossip Blog
* The Superficial
* The Bastardly
* Hollywoodtuna
* A Socialite's Life
* Perez Hilton
* Dlisted
* Derek Hail
* Mollygood
* Go Fug Yourself
Best Music Blog
* Kevipod Music
* Pretty Much Amazing
* HM
* I guess I'm Floating
* Fluxblog
* Stereogum
* My Old Kentucky Blog
* Aquarium Drunkard
* Chris Picks
* Live Music Blog
Best Podcast
* This Week In Tech
* Econtalk
* Pundit Review:
* Slate Magazine Daily
* The Glenn and Helen Show.
* Shire Network News
* The Mr Science Show
* The Pentagon Channel
* Unsafe Bull Podcast
* Harry Potter Prognostications
Best Video Blog
* HamNation (Mary Katharine Ham):
* Crooks & Liars
* Hot Air
* It's JerryTime!
* Zefank
* The Heady Pepper
* You Gotta See This Video!
* Hot Potato Mash
* This Day In Alternate History
* Democracy Broadcasting News
Video Of The Year
* HaHaHa
* Falling Water
* Kiwi
* Potter Puppet Pals in "The Mysterious Ticking Noise"
* Chocolate Rain
* Seafood Surprise Video from The Heady Pepper!
* HamNation - Sopranos DC Edition
* The Landlord
* Leave Britney Alone
* "I Got a Crush...On Obama" By Obama Girl
TTLB Ecosystem Categories
Best of the Top 250 Blogs
* Just One Minute
* My Pet Jawa
* Balloon Juice
* Wonkette
* RedState
* Bitch Ph.D.
* MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
* Jesus' General
* Blue Star Chronicles
* Gateway Pundit
Best of the Top 251 - 500 Blogs
* Isreal Matzav
* The Carpetbagger Report
* feministe
* The Moderate Voice
* TBogg
* Knowledge is Power
* Baldilocks
* Fausta
* PC Free Zone
* Asymmetrical Information
Best of the Top 501 - 1000 Blogs
* The Poor Man Institute
* Woman Honor Thyself
* Smirking Chimp
* Agonist
* The Sideshow
* The Llama Butchers!
* Betsy's Page
* The American Mind
* All for Women
* Coyote Blog
Best of the Top 1001 - 1750 Blogs
* Obsidian Wings
* Bookworm Room
* Agent Bedhead
* Merri Musings
* The Sundries Shack
* Thoughts of a Regular Guy
* Slacktivist
* Dispatches from the Culture Wars
* Echidne of the Snakes
* Newshoggers
Best of the Top 1751 - 2500 Blogs
* Armies of Liberation
* The Smallest Minority
* Gene Expression
* Weapons of Mass Discussion
* A Blog For All
* Chickenhawk Express
* Texas Rainmaker
* Hooah Wife
* Political Vindication
* Little Miss Attila
Best of the Top 2501 - 3500 Blogs
* Booker Rising
* Boots and Sabers
* Daddy's Roses
* Random Thoughts- Do They Have Meaning?
* Creek Running North
* A Tiny Revolution
* Driftglass
* From My Position... On the way!
* Everyday Me . . . life as it happens
* Acephalous
Best of the Top 3501 - 5000 Blogs
* Streak's Blog
* Prometheus 6
* The Galloping Beaver
* Dr. Joan Bushwell's Chimpanzee Refuge
* (parenthetical remarks)
* Ken Levine
* Wonderland or Not.
* Digger's Realm
* Southern Sass On Crime
* Durham in Wonderland
Best of the Top 5001 - 6750 Blogs
* Doug Ross @ Journal
* The Stupid Shall Be Punished
* Whiskey Fire
* Gay Orbit
* The Field Negro
* Simply Left Behind
* Three Wise Men!
* The Debate Link
* Insureblog
* Liberty Pundit
Best of the Top 6751 - 8750 Blogs
* Gus Van Horn
* Abnormal Interests
* Cabarrus Cheap Seats
* Winter Patriot
* Reno and Its Discontents
* HE&OS--Home Education & Other Stuff
* Wigderson Library & Pub
* Scholars & Rogues
* Jack and Jill Politics
* Slow Cooker Recipes
Best of the Rest of the Blogs (8751+)
* Full Throtle
* Fat Man Unleashed
* The Urban Grind
* Kiko's House
* Kiss My Gumbo
* Photos by Seawitch
* Political Grind
* Konagod
* Slublog
* The Iraq War Was Wrong Blog
Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2007/11/2007-weblog-awards.html
Visit nEw MyKiRu IsYuSeRo for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection