Amy Winehouse dead: SkyNews reports

    Amy Winehouse found dead, SkyNews has reported Saturday, July 23, 2011.

    British singer Amy Winehouse was found dead at her home in Camden, north London, according to a report from SkyNews.

    Police investigators has described the cause of Amy Winehouse death as "unexplained" however, a drug overdose is being suspected.

    Watch a video report from SkyNews (uploaded on Youtube by chouchouSMILEY):

    She was 27 (September 14, 1983 to July 23, 2011).

    Amy Winehouse was a Grammy-winning singer. She won a total of 5 out of her 6 Grammy nominations, all she received in 2008 for the song "Rehab" and the album "Back To Black".

    The said "Back To Black" album achieved 6-times platinum status in UK and 2-time platinum in the US.

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