Al and Tipper Gore Divorce: No affair involved

    The world is shocked with the announcement of Al and Tipper Gore plan
    for a divorce on Tuesday.

    Former US President Bill Clinton's Vice President Albert "Al" Gore Jr
    and wife Mary Elizabeth "Tipper" Aitcheson-Gore have announced their
    separation Tuesday, June 1st, via an email sent out to their friends
    and associates. It says:

    "We are announcing today that after a great deal of thought and
    discussion, we have decided to separate. This is much a mutual and
    mutually supportive decision that we have made together following
    process of long and careful consideration."

    That is absolutely shocking because they've just celebrated their 40th
    wedding anniversary last May 19. A lot of people are really wondering
    why they have to separate when they're old already. Al is 62 while
    Tipper turns 62 in August.

    So, is there an extra marital affair involved? The couple's friends
    reportedly denied there is a third party in the separation.

    Al and Tipper have 4 children: Karenna (36), Kristin (32, who also
    divorced husband in May 2009), Sarah (31) and Albert III (27).

    Al Gore is also an environment advocate and a Nobel Peace Prize winner
    having actively campaigned for climate change. His docu "An
    Inconvenient Truth" won for him an Oscar in 2007.

    He was supposed to come to Manila, Philippines for a climate change
    forum called "Face the Inconvenient Truth" but was moved to June 8,
    that's 6 days from now. With a new phase in his family life, Al is
    definitely facing a not so convenient truth.Source URL:
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