David and David Live in Manila

    David Cook and David Archuleta from the American Idol fame blew the crowd away last night, May 16, 2009, for their one-night live concert held at the SM Mall of Asia Open Grounds in Manila.

    Both were great and very charming performers.

    Watch David Cook and David Archuleta as they sang two of their signature hits during their concert tour in Manila:

    David Cook - Always Be My Baby

    David Archuleta - Stand By Me

    David Cook also wowed the audience via the songs Heroes, The World I Know, Kiss on the Neck, Mr. Sensitive, Come Back To Me, Avalanche, Straight Ahead, Light On, Life on the Moon, Bar-Ba-Sol and A Daily Anthem, which he dedicated to his brother who died of cancer early this month.

    While David Archuleta also treated his screaming fans with A Little Too Not Over You, Touch My Hand, Angel, A Thousand Miles, Waiting for Yesterday, Don't Let Go, To Be With You, Your Eyes Don't Lie, My Hands, You Can, Zero Gravity, Crush and Barriers.

    Thanks richestgrave and TeamArchieChannel for uploading those great videos on Youtube!

    Photo Credits: Uma Khouny (Yes, he watched the show along with Trip na Trip co-hosts Katherine 'Kat' De Castro-Cruz and Jayson Gainza)
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2009/05/david-and-david-live-in-manila.html
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