Evian "Roller Skating Babies" commercial is a hit on Youtube

    The TV commercial for Evian, a mineral water brand in France, which features cute babies as they amazingly show off their rollerskating tricks and breakdancing moves has become a Youtube sensation after it was uploaded in the site one week ago.

    The original upload of Evian's "Roller Babies" commercial has garnered more than 4 million views already as of today and is currently #1 most viewed video on Youtube this month under Entertainment category.

    The soundtrack for the "Roller Babies" TVC is "Rapper's Delight" by Dan The Automator.

    The video is living up to Evian's message to its consumers: "Living Young".

    You have to watch those funny, amazingly cute roller babies. Check it out...

    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2009/07/evian-skating-babies-commercial-is-hit.html
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